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I can't even find a specific channel when I spell it correctly, even with double quotes. I have to go into the filters and specify channels-only, and even then it puts a bunch of wrong results in front of it. Their search on YouTube used to be better, showing results for what was actually searched for. But now it seems like they're trying to drive views to high-performing videos since they now give a single page of results for any query before backfilling the results with a bunch of suggestions that have nothing to do with the search

Up until a few days ago I had a redirect for search that fisabled the suggestions on the search page. Now, if I do that, the search only gives 1, irrelevant, result.

You should be able to just go directly to the channel using the URL if you know the channel name. youtube.com/c/<CHANNEL_NAME>. What on earth they use the distinction for, I don't know, but if it's a user with videos instead of a channel, then youtube.com/user/<USER_NAME>.

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