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What's stopping you from coming up with a DIY solution? It would seem that the dish + the hardware are the hard part, the mount the easy part.

What's stopping you from coming up with a DIY solution? It would seem that the dish + the hardware are the hard part, the mount the easy part.

Well, for one, I'm not a satellite communications engineer. I don't know how to source or fabricate the materials to create a custom radome that's transparent at the frequencies needed, nor do I know the thermal emissions of the dish and whether or not any of it needs to be heat sinked or fan cooled.

Plus, I'd feel better with a commercial radome at 70mph on the roof than some home made enclosure I glued together myself.

> Well, for one, I'm not a satellite communications engineer.

You don't really need to be. You just plop it down anywhere with a big section of the sky clear and it figures out the rest. As long as however you DIY it, it's sitting roughly flat, then it figures out the rest.

No one's talking about building a radome.

No one's talking about building a radome.

That's literally what I wrote in my post above - I want to protect it while mounted on the roof of an RV. Is the bare dish rated for 75mph+ wind and driving rain?

Any word on whether or not they'll come out with a roof mountable dish or at least a radome to cover the dish?

I can understand why people are reluctant to cut up a $600 terminal with a Dremel.

This is hacker news after all :) And you could of course make your mount in a non-destructive way.

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