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I want to avoid closing the door on possibilities that I think likely in the future but a lot of that happens where you make commitments to other users such as in an API or in commandline options. I want there to be a way to add a "v2" to the api if I feel that I have to and I like the commandline option that says --build=android rather than --android because I feel I can more smoothly add allowed options that way. This is the area one needs to try to be forward thinking.

One can way overdo even "door opening" and create pain and complexity for users.

As for the code ..... I like to be able to read it. I prefer not to have to jump around every 5 seconds if possible. I like it to be easy to write tests for. If it's easy to test and I have lots of tests then changing it shouldn't be too stressful.

I prefer to do things the simplest way until I have a good reason why it's not enough.

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