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Since OP works in Amazon he might be familiar with the mental model of "one and two way doors". A one way door is a decision that is impossible or very difficult to undo or change. A two way door is easy to change. The idea is to spend most of your energy on one way door decisions and little in two way doors. This act as a remedy to things like bike shedding. If something is easy to change, just go ahead and do it!

The relevance here is that we can apply this concept in reverse. If we make something easy to change, is close to a two way door. Hence we reduce the time we need to spend on it's design/consideration/ etc.

Personally I like to write code that is more on the flexibler side to increase my optionality. I can then iterate faster throwing things at the wall and change my mind as needed. Of course this flexibility doesn't come for free. Overengineering and cost of carrying are real, so apply your best judgement.

"One and two-way doors" is a nice way to phrase it. I use a similar heuristic to figure out where to spend more effort designing things upfront. For most web apps, the one-way door is usually going to be the database schema - data migrations are trickier to do once you have to deal with real data.

The other big class of "one-way" decisions are with regards to code that live in environments you don't control, e.g. mobile and desktop apps.

One tip I would offer is when building something new, you should try and delay making one-way decisions as long as you can, until you have a clearer picture of how things should work.

This is really good advice. Flexibility is leverage. It’s not a “what if” question, but deliberately preparing for exploration and fast iteration.

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