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You're already locked in with a specialized compiler for those unusual architectures, and despite being Standard conforming, it still isn't remotely portable.

> you should already know that int is not always 32 bits.

I also wrote a 16 bit compiler for DOS, with 16 bit ints. I know all about it :-) I've also developed 8 bit software for embedded systems I designed and built. I've written code for 10 bit systems, and 36 bit systems.

> Who really cares about porting diff to a system that doesn't have filesystem or text console?

I infer you agree the software is not portable, despite being standard conforming. As a practical matter, it simply doesn't matter if the compiler is standard conforming or not when dealing with unusual architectures. It doesn't make your porting problems go away at all.

I went through the Great Migration of moving 16 bit DOS code to 32 bits. Interestingly, everyone who thought they'd followed best portability practices in their 16 bit code found they had to do a lot of rewrites for 32 bit code. The people who were used to moving between the 16 and 32 bit worlds had little trouble.

C++ is theoretically portable to the 16 bit world, but in practice it doesn't work. Supporting exception handling and RTTI consumes all of the address space, leaving no space left for code. Even omitting EH and RTTI leaves one with a crippled compiler if extensions are not added to support the segmented memory model.

How do I know this? I wrote one. I lived it.

> I also wrote a 16 bit compiler for DOS, with 16 bit ints. I know all about it :-) I've also developed 8 bit software for embedded systems I designed and built. I've written code for 10 bit systems, and 36 bit systems.

I'm not sure how this means that int is 32-bit.

> I infer you agree the software is not portable, despite being standard conforming. As a practical matter, it simply doesn't matter if the compiler is standard conforming or not when dealing with unusual architectures. It doesn't make your porting problems go away at all.

I guess we could venture into arguing what "the software" and "portable" here means. What I mean that I was working on standard-conforming C codebase that worked correctly on both architectures I mentioned above. This is what I consider portable. Having standard-conforming compiler for both does not make the problems go away, but it makes things much easier than having two non-conforming almost-but-not-exactly-C compilers or totally proprietary languages.

I know that DOS was bad. It's been more than 20 years now. Let's get over with it.

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