Creating a public permanent record of having fallen for the latest crypto shitcoin will likely be too embarrassing for some. But then again I'm having trouble relating.
Successful "crypto startups" hardly exist, and most of those are selling shovels to suckers. What was the expectation here?
These were technically coins which were processed as smart contracts in Ethereum. Even if these coins "cease operations" their history will continue to exist in the Ethereum blockchain, forever.
No, as long as at least one person chooses to host a full-node (or, just a torrent containing the entire historical chain). It's exceptionally unlikely that this information will cease to exist in our lifetimes.
There's no such thing as a blockchain permanent public record. Some entity has to keep that up forever, maintained, public & accessible, for it to be such - that's not going to happen. Nearly all of them will fail and be wiped by time.
And certainly all of them can go away, they're mere digital storage systems. There's nothing permanent about any of it, not by any stretch of the imagination.
They're particularly, almost pathetically, temporary records. Most of these garbage coins will have no comprehensive financial records remaining several decades from now. By contrast, I know a lot of small businesses that have elaborate financial records going back 30-40 years, and the country is surely filled with similar (and most large corporations will have such).
Time to donate to Internet Archive asking them to preserve final block state of as many chains as possible. Shouldn’t be too expensive, my laptop is a bitcoin node and lets be do all my work, and I guess the smaller chains are smaller in disk and compute and network.
Successful "crypto startups" hardly exist, and most of those are selling shovels to suckers. What was the expectation here?