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It makes more sense if you replace the problematic phrase with "bureaucratic authorities." Point being, elimination is elimination.

Yeah, but we don't want "elimination", we want justice. And we have set up a procedure for delivering justice which cannot be dismissed as "bureaucracy". The laws and procedures for enforcing them have been developed taking into consideration tons of matters and responding to tons of real world feedback on how to be improved.

They are not perfect, far for it, but for the scope and extend that they cover, they are way better than what any vigilante jerk's version of "elimination" or "payback" is.

For example what stops me of adding your name in the exposed list of names, and ruining your life? I don't even have to do it with malice, maybe I'm just a nut that I am convinced that you too are a pedophile and see the addition of your name as justified.

For example what stops me of adding your name in the exposed list of names, and ruining your life?

You mean like Richard Jewell, Bruce Ivins, and David Kelley?

But all those have recourse. They can sue the state and get restitution. So, yes, mistakes happen, but there is procedure to seek corrective action. There is a difference.

The only way to not investigate innocent people would be to know in advance who's guilty. And if you knew who was guilty in advance why even have courts? It'd be for show. Anyhow, that's be asking for more than we are capable of as a civilization. It's understood innocent people will be accused and acquitted thru the system; if the state is proven wrong and you suffered from the process, there is recourse. You sue the state.

How do you sue vigilantes who are by definition, outside the system?

What recourse do Bruce Ivins and David Kelley have?

No, I mean like everybody who ever got slandered by anyone in everyday life with no consideration, due process or authority at all. Because that's how this vigilante thing works.

It's not just being accused (or considered suspect) of something that's problematic, it's HOW and by WHOM this happens.

A police investigation can look into the wrong person too, sometimes can even convict (and even execute!) the wrong person, but there are tons of checks and balances in action there. And "the people" have chosen to have the police and judicial system do that work, not Anonymous.

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