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Show HN: I built a VR laser tag course you can run around in (youtube.com)
14 points by aiddun on May 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hello! I think VR headset colocation is super cool and I wanted to try building something with it. I'm currently trying to turn this into an actual laser tag course you can go to, and if you're interested in progress updates putting down your email at https://userland.us is super appreciated.

I recommend thinking about what you can do that would significantly differentiate the gameplay from what is possible irl. Just putting laser tag in VR is a downgrade in many aspects from what you can achieve in reality, so you need a lot of gameplay innovation to make it a compelling proposition. One small example of where just copying things from real life falls short: Your proof of concept show walls (because that's what laser tag does to create compelling gameplay) but walls are a mediocre choice in a colocated VR game because the actual behavior (users can always walk through them in VR) defies the user's built in expectations about what it means for something to be a "wall".

Looks like a lot of fun! I went to a co-located VR space for a friend's birthday party once that had wireless backpacks / VR guns and it was a great time.

The place we went shut down (I'm assuming around the pandemic) but had extremely high reviews and people raving about it. Could be a good time to get some funding and start up a new chain.

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