I think it's a bit of both. jQuery served the purpose of making web development more sane back in the day by handling all browser quirks. Part of that was the nice syntax.
I personally have tried to drop jQuery, but truthfully, its syntax is just much easier to use. Nowadays, I use Cash https://github.com/fabiospampinato/cash to give me the nice syntax without the bloat. It strikes the perfect balance for me.
> I personally have tried to drop jQuery, but truthfully, its syntax is just much easier to use.
It's not just the syntax, it's also the expression-heavy and chained API which makes it much more flexible. As well as the set-oriented approach, which can lead to performance issues if you're not careful but is generally extremely enjoyable.
The DOM is an extremely procedural, plodding API, you need to name everything because you always need to set attributes and call non-chainable side-effecting APIs, not to mention the fecking NodeList which has to be converted to an array to do basically anything useful (in part because Javascript never really embraced iterators, and instead uses arrays for everything still).
I guess you could mitigate that with an "API adapter", but...
Although writing jQuery is still shorter (And likely will forever be).
Editor (like vscode) nowadays is much more smarter then the era.
A lot of API with long names is no longer a issue to type. You just mark the variable as a element. After that, autocomplete handles the rest for you. Shorten the gap with experience of using jQuery. If developer tools is still as dumb as that era. I would think the transition is impossible.
And there are also more frameworks to enhance experience of style modification or templating. Back to then, there are only some dumb template that do initial rendering. But framework these days also handles update for you. So you don't really need to modify it directly by yourself unless in some edge case.
I did a javascript project targeting web/blackberry and early ios. We used jQuery to smooth out the kinks (or that's what our lead told us). It worked as expected.
Went from disliking it to really liking the syntax. Its pretty clear and easy to use, which is why I still use it. We don't use it extensively becaue we're still on the "submit form, get page back with javascript graph and data tables table, development model. We probably should transition to a framework, but they evolve so quickly ...
I personally have tried to drop jQuery, but truthfully, its syntax is just much easier to use. Nowadays, I use Cash https://github.com/fabiospampinato/cash to give me the nice syntax without the bloat. It strikes the perfect balance for me.