I wonder if they're afraid Lee might sue them if they did or something
Edit: Or maybe they don't want to drag the whole drama into this celebration again :) Libera moved on so quickly that even after 2 months it felt like everything was in the distant past and the community was just as it had always been.
But then it would have been better to not elaborate on the history. I agree it's a bit weird like this.
> This time, instead of this awful cycle of disempowerment of the people, it's time that the people of the world, together, plant the flag of the power of the people on the Internet. The internet changed everything and leveled the playing field. This cannot be taken away.
By his own manifesto he wouldn't do that, and he wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.
I'm not sure that's actually true. Clearly he very much liked taking power away from a specific set of people. The guy really likes constructing this narrative where he's some sort of free speech savior, but when you look at his actions the opposite seems true. E.g. during the switch to libera if you had any mention of libera in the channel topic on freenode you'd end up with all the channel operators banned and replaced with friends of Lee. That's hardly a pro-free-speech thing to do.
Just realized taht "/s" is a de-facto standard recognized almost everywhere in the international tech world - perhaps it would be viable to submit a RFC for it that can be referenced? Plenty of time before next year's April.
Thanks. JLG attributed it to politicians, I think, but I was (a) too lazy to find the source, but also (b) don’t speak French. I just didn’t want to appear to be taking credit for such a sharp observation.
> Hello (do not) @buyvpnservice from (dirty) @Kape_com
> I hope you’re enjoying the ride.
> You are now at KAPUT, you are booked until the final destination, FUBAR.
> Please fasten your seatbelts and return your tray table to its full upright and locked position.
I'll be honest: I have absolutely no idea what this means. It's obvious the @buyvpnservice is meant to be a play on "buy VPN service", but everything else looks like mindless mumbling to me. Could you explain it, please?
Given all the not-false-but-absolutely-misleading advertising I see/hear for VPN providers¹, I suspect they are all scammers or as near to as makes no odds.
[1] including in sponsored segments in the output of technical influenzas who don't help their reputation in my view by parroting the words themselves instead of letting the sponsor do it, or by being more choosy about exactly what they are willing to parrot
Edit: Or maybe they don't want to drag the whole drama into this celebration again :) Libera moved on so quickly that even after 2 months it felt like everything was in the distant past and the community was just as it had always been.
But then it would have been better to not elaborate on the history. I agree it's a bit weird like this.