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Nice link - most of those anyone can do, though the last one "magnetic frames" made me laugh.

Someone once recommended Paul McCartney's "eye yoga" YouTube video - really simple exercises that don't require windows with vertical grates or special magnetic frames.


PS - the most hilarious part is that the video is blurry, but the rest of my screen/browser/world is in focus, so if I do the exercises enough and suddenly his video is in focus and everything else isn't, I'm going to be pissed...

second problem that may hit after many years starting at the display - eye dryness. When people stare at the display, they typically blink less frequently and the blinking is what keeps the eye lense wet.

In my personal experience the various problems started to appear only after almost 20 years of staring into display. Yet once it started, there is no good way back, only trying to slow it down.

Second. If you wear contacts, dryness is a killer. Hydration is critical; I keep a glass of ice water at my desk at all times. (This also forces you to take brief breaks for the bathroom, which are good for both your eyes and your spine.)

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