Agreed, but those should be considered early weed out questions, or a segue into deeper topics. For example, appendChild and removeChild, it's almost obvious what
they do, but ...
1) What implications do those have on DOM performance?
2) Contrast appendChild when called on a DOM element, vs. an absolutely positioned DOM element, vs. a document fragment
3) Why do you want to avoid calling appendChild w/in a loop?
Keyword I'm looking for from candidates: Reflow, which requires a deeper level of understanding, and that's the level I'm really targeting in an interview.
1) What implications do those have on DOM performance?
2) Contrast appendChild when called on a DOM element, vs. an absolutely positioned DOM element, vs. a document fragment
3) Why do you want to avoid calling appendChild w/in a loop?
Keyword I'm looking for from candidates: Reflow, which requires a deeper level of understanding, and that's the level I'm really targeting in an interview.