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Zsh 5.9 (zsh.sourceforge.io)
94 points by codewiz on May 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 74 comments

Are there any interesting new features in this release?

It is worth, as a long time Bash user, to change to ZSH?

Perhaps it's niche, but there's a single feature that makes me use zsh over bash: EXTENDED_GLOB, used together with * filename expansion.

    ls **/*.d
gives me all files, recursively, that end in .d. That's available in bash too if you `shopt -s starglob`.

But it also gives all directories, so if I do eg

    grep pattern **/*.d
then I get lots of error messages about trying to grep on directories (if I happen to have directories ending in .d). With zsh, I can do

    grep pattern **/*.d(.)
and it will restrict to just files. I use this pretty often, and it saves me from many `find | xargs` commands. I pretty much only use `find` when there are too many matches for a single command.

My muscle memory types

    fgrep -l SOMESTRING **/*(.)
multiple times per day. That'll list out all files containing the literal SOMESTRING anywhere in or below my current directory. I'm sure I could be using one of the fancy grep replacements, and I have in the past, but this works Good Enough and only requires zsh to be installed, so it's what I have held onto.

At least GNU grep has `grep -r --include='*.d' <pattern>`

I switched to ZSH and was quite happy with it, now using FISH - mainly because of it's excellent auto-completion that displays as you type. Otherwise both ZSH and FISH are good options IMHO.

Although for typical "shell-scripting" I still use BASH for the most-part where scripting languages like Python aren't as suitable, so my scripts can be used on other peoples systems.

Do you have some personal examples where Python wasn't suitable over bash for a non-trivial task?

I am admittedly a not very good bash'er, and this week at work I whipped up my first "complicated" bash script, but ended up rewriting it in Python. It might have just been the case that the IO bound nature of my task fell right into Python's strong suits (async IO), but it had me wondering what scenarios a bash script would be better.

Essentially I had to:

* iterate over a list of hundreds of thousands of files

* make an api call via aws cli

* take result and process it through a few shell utilities (`date` and `touch`) to then update the timestamps on the files.

I initially wrote it in bash which spawned ~16 background workers (threads/processes?) via `&` and blocking via `wait -n`. This "worked" but was pretty slow as the threads were thrashing checking for responses. Doing anything more than 16 caused my computer to crawl lol.

I then rewrote it in Python with async IO and the async subprocess API (to run shell commands) and it was an order of magnitude faster.

I wish I was better at bash, but maybe I just haven't spent enough time with it. Doing this task made me feel like I could pretty much doing most things in Python if I need a non-trivial script.

I think it's less about pure suitability, and more about availability.

If I write a Bash script, I can be reasonably certain it will run on any unixoid system that came out in the last years. With Python, I am now in version hell (it's ridiculous how many Python2-first-servers I still find), I'll run the risk of includes suddenly becoming incompatible or buggy.

Can Bash do everything that Python can? Almost certainly not. But it is available, it is relatively simple (and almost minimalistic), and it forces you to learn more about standard unix tools.

Your specific use case ... well, I think that's pretty unusual - I'd wager if you had avoided the parallel processing and done it in a more linear way, you've had a better time.

That makes sense! I will admit it was a bit of fun clobbering together the bash version at first. It reminded me of starting out programming where everything felt a bit esoteric lol.

> if you had avoided the parallel processing and done it in a more linear way, you've had a better time.

I had to process ~500,000 files, and the aws api call was on average ~1 second, so it would have been a significantly longer time to process linearly. For example the bash version I whipped up processed ~30k files in 2.5 hours, while the python version did 30k files in ~20 minutes.

But yes I agree, if I didn't have to do such a large volume at once the bash version would have been just fine.

> If I write a Bash script, I can be reasonably certain it will run on any unixoid system that came out in the last years.

Except for, like, all the (free) BSDs and Illumos. What “unixoid” systems were you referring to, exactly, other than Linux?

Other than bash not being portable to even the exact same machine, due to having so many footguns. Creating a new file can potentially fail a previously working bash, because it may have used .txt expecting a single file, or whatever, and there are a million others.

Don’t get me wrong, I accept that there are legitimate use cases for bash, but I really can’t help but feel that anything longer than 3 lines (including #!) is better off in anything*.

This description, to me, sounds like you wrote a Python program... in shell. Nothing wrong with Python programs, but writing them in shell is about as pleasant as writing them in C.

The shell’s parallel processing capabilities shine when you want consecutive stream transformation steps to run in parallel (note that you can pipe to and from loops, over multiple descriptors if necessary). When your task can be structured like that, it will often take as much time to write a parallel implementation in shell as it will a serial one in Python (etc.). On the other hand, running multiple iterations of the same step in parallel is, as you’ve seen, awkward.

If the only thing you actually need to parallelize is HTTP requests, you might find piping things into aria2c[1] or the like to generate temporary files with responses and then processing those serially (best if your tool can tell you on stdout when a job is done, otherwise inotifywait and its ilk[2] may help if you’re uncomfortable just hammering the filesystem). When that is not enough, you could try GNU Parallel[3] or, if all else fails, implementing a jobserver in the style of GNU Make[4], which you may find more pleasant to do in shell than your current design. Generating a Makefile and then letting Make manage the worker pool (and call out to a separate shell script for each job) is also a possibility.

But at that point (in particular if you’re not I/O-bound) it might be best to just not do it in shell[5].

[1] https://aria2.github.io/manual/en/html/aria2c.html

[2] https://jvns.ca/blog/2020/06/28/entr/

[3] https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/

[4] https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/POSIX-Job...

[5] https://sanctum.geek.nz/etc/emperor-sh-and-the-traveller.txt

Python isn't suitable (by default) when the main task is to run multiple other programs, in pipes and elsewhere. Env vars are a bit harder to get to, etc. Common sys-admin use cases basically.

Yes, you can write a run() function that handles everything, and there are some 90% solutions in subprocess now, but the defaults are not as simple as a modern shell on this dimension.

Of course, if you need to do any string manipulation, advanced conditionals, or math, Python quickly pulls ahead.

Ditto. Had been using zsh for ~5 years as a better bash, but around 6 months ago tried some of the plugins for suggestions and history, but ended up switching to fish.

> FISH - mainly because of it's excellent auto-completion that displays as you type.

Said functionality for zsh:

* https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions

In fish it’s built in, that’s the beauty.

I switched to fish and loved it. Then I realized there was no way to make the completion and matches case sensitive or non-fuzzy. On their github they say something like this would require the c word ("configuration") and they won't do it.

So I moved to zsh, enabled two plugins and borrowed a config. I have 99 percent of what I like about fish. It's quite awesome.

If anyone is looking to try out zsh, please please please don't start with oh-my-zsh. I actually went zsh-fish-zsh. My first zsh attempt being with oh-my-zsh.

I started with oh-my-zsh when i moved to mac for work. What am i missing?

Tab completion alone is a good reason to switch. bash completes only filenames most of the time even with a bunch of third party completion scripts. Meanwhile, zsh provides smarter completion as part of its default installation, which you can enable with this 3 line configuration:

    autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
    setopt menu_complete
    zstyle ':completion:*' menu select

I switched from Bash to ZSH with the caveat that I use prezto and powerlevel10k (included with prezto) and I will never go back.

I had to turn off some of the Zsh-specific brackets and quoting features to make it more bash-like because of the tools I use which make it kinda wonky to use with Zsh but otherwise it’s been absolutely fantastic. Remoting into our systems that only have bash feels absolutely prehistoric.


> It is worth, as a long time Bash user, to change to ZSH?

It doesn't make a lot of a difference. For me the major selling point of zsh is that it has two forms of process subsitution: regular <(...) as in bash, based on sockets, and =(...), which creates temporary files. This allows you to do some neat things that are not possible or comfortable in bash.

If you like vim mode, the zle vim mode is more complete than readline's, it can handle test objects for example. That's a small thing but that's nice. Prompt config is also quicker/easier to remember. Small things do add up.

bash is great for scripting and zsh can be made great for interactivity. I use zsh with prezto and history-substring on and auto-suggestions on, it's great.

Probably not. I think they both have comparable features, and by default are pretty bare bones without a lot of extensions and configuration. If you do want to try something new I would suggest fish shell. It is like a fully tricked out bash or zsh, but out of box. It is also very fast, because those tricks are built directly into the shell. I used to use zsh and after adding all the bells and whistles it got very slow.

I recommend Fish. Very nice shell.


I see no reason to continue using Zsh or Bash in a world where Fish shell exists.

There are at least two, though they may not be relevant for everyone: POSIX compatibility and ubiquity on random systems where your ability to install things is limited.

Some things won't work out of the box if your shell isn't posix compliant. For example, I once installed Ocaml, and its installer assumed my shell was posix, so some of the commands broke (I forgot the exact details now). Also NVM (node version manager) doesn't work with fish (or at least at the time).

Sometimes there are alternatives or workarounds, but the fact is that using fish does come with that downside. Doesn't come up often, but it is annoying when it does come up.

I like fish btw, just saying that I disagree with your "no reason to continue using zsh" comment. I use zsh because I was fed up with random things breaking due to not having a posix shell. And zsh can be customized to have most of the niceties of fish anyway. But it is pretty cool how fish comes with so many niceties out of the box!

Well, I like it and that’s a good reason for me.

Parameter expansions don't need to be defensively quoted. That's what got me to switch.

Sure. Some of its features are pretty handy and it is basically fully bash compatible. You don't really loose anything.

I have been using bash for decades, not only on Linux, but also on other UNIX-derived operating systems.

Less than a year ago, I have tried zsh, without a definite intention to switch to it, but eventually I ended always using zsh for interactive use, while continuing to use bash for scripts.

I have benchmarked some scripts with both zsh and bash, but I have not seen any significant difference in speed.

While there are a few scripting features originally introduced by zsh (most of the brace expansion variants), bash has also incorporated them many years ago. Besides those, both bash and zsh implement the ksh93 features, so there is little reason to prefer one or the other. Therefore I have stuck to bash for scripts.

It is hard to say exactly why now I prefer zsh for interactive use, because there is no killer feature, but mostly various small details.

For some reason, zsh seems more responsive, when interactive. I rely a lot on autocompletion and the default autocompletion rules in zsh are more powerful and also the zsh autocompletion seems faster.

While in most cases I prefer the way zsh handles autocompletion, there are times when zsh annoys me by trying to be too smart, e.g. it will never autocomplete "mkdir" with the name of an existing file. I need that frequently, when I want to create a subdirectory in which to move a bunch of related files, with very long names that I do not want to type, but I want to edit slightly to make a name for the new subdirectory, so I have to use a workaround like autocompleting a "ls", then editing it into a "mkdir", while that was not needed in bash.

In zsh I use a much more complex shell prompt that I had used in bash, which displays a lot of useful information in a format that avoids confusion with the command lines or with the text output of the executed commands.

After switching to it in zsh, I have discovered that such a complex shell prompt is also possible in bash. Nevertheless, after using it in bash I have discovered some bash bugs. The too complex shell prompt confused bash and the text cursor became desynchronized with the correct position in certain contexts, so I had to revert in bash to a simple shell prompt.

I think that you should give zsh a try for interactive use. After using it for some days you will see if you prefer it to bash or not.

Now I prefer the interactive zsh, but there are no large differences, bash and zsh are similar and mostly equivalent, because whenever one was improved somehow, the other also copied that feature soon.

I had completely forgotten, but when I have tried for the first time to use zsh as a bash user, I have spent some ten minutes of great confusion, until discovering that I have to add to my ".zshrc" the lines:

bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line

bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line

bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char-or-list

in order to have the line editing keys with which I was accustomed.

I've been using ZSH ever since macOS moved to using it as the default shell. I honestly can't say I've noticed any differences. What are some features I should be using to get the most out of ZSH?

Have you seen https://ohmyz.sh/ ? It’s indispensable, can’t imagine zsh without it now…

what makes you prefer it?

exactly this, I love it.

I really like right prompt. My config is:

    PS1="%# "
This way I have current directory information without eating precious space.

Other than that, I don't really use much zsh-specific functionality.

If you use the right prompt, make it automatically disappear so it doesn't get copied along when you select text in the terminal:

    setopt transient_rprompt

Thanks, that's very useful!

I use a 2 line prompt which obviates the need for that but nice tip all the same.

What does right prompt do, and what happens if the text you're typing runs into it?

> What does right prompt do

It displays configured text at right side of your terminal. My example displays current directory truncated to 40 characters.

> and what happens if the text you're typing runs into it?

It disappears.

the fact that you can tab/navigate through autocomplete instead of having it fill up your screen every time you move

Look into https://ohmyz.sh/ or https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit (or any other plugin managers) and some nice plugins.

Tab completion and zmv are neat, nothing new to learn, no complicated configs.

Some of my favourite features which are built in to the shell, not part of third-party plugin systems, include:

The "command1 =(command2)" syntax, which runs "command2", pipes its output to a new temporary file, runs "command1" with that file's name as an argument, and then removes the temporary file, all in one operation. It's like "<(command2)", which is in Bash and Zsh, but allows "command1" to perform a seek on the file because it's not a pipe.

Redirections like ">file" where there's no command implicitly use cat, so ">file" just pipes STDIN to the file. Same for "<file", which pipes file to STDOUT.

"command &>/dev/null" is shorthand for "command >/dev/null 1>&2".

Floating-point arithmetic built-in (Bash has integer arithmetic only), including C math functions like sin, log, floor.

Implicit insertion of "tee" where you obviously want it; for example, "command >file1 >file2" is the same as "command | tee file1 > file2"

You don't need to quote variable expansions like $1 (except arrays). You still have to do so for command expansions $(command

More expressive pattern syntax, including backreferences, approximate matching (using Damerau-Levenshtein distance), and flags/qualifiers to limit searching to specific kinds of file. E.g. "ls *(-@)" lists all broken symbolic links.

The string =foo is expanded to the path to the "foo" command in $PATH, which allows you to do, for example, "vim =myscript" without needing to remember where "myscript" is exactly.

Lots of parameter expansion flags for various string operators (search/replace, sorting, case translation, splitting and joining, ...).

POSIX extended regex and optional PCRE support for pattern matching.

zle, which does a similar job to readline in bash, but with an enormous number of useful features built-in.

Generalised tilde expansion: ~ is the current user's $HOME, but ~john is the user john's home directory. You can make up your own using "hash -d foo=/path/too/foo"; now "~foo" refers to "/path/to/foo".

Dynamic version of the above: ~[string] uses the function zsh_directory_name to expand "string" into any path; see the manual "zshexpn(1) § Filename Generation § Dynamic named directories".

Easily create more explicit pipes using file descriptors:

    # open
    exec {fd}>file

    command1 >&$fd
    command2 >&$fd

    # close
    exec {fd}>&-
Additional concise and useful syntax for loops, function definitions, etc.:

    while (( x < 5 )) { echo $x; let x++ }  # more obvious than "
    repeat 5 echo hi  # does what it says on the tin
    myfunc() echo hi  # declares a function
    for ((x = 0; x++; x < 5)) { echo $i }  # C-style for-loop
The equivalent of "try-finally" in some programming languages:

        # do some stuff which might error
    } always {
        # do some important cleanup
This construct also enables special support for another feature: actual exceptions with throw/catch.

Very flexible prompt expansion: conditionals using %(condition.true.false). Optionally, command expansion "$()" can be enabled in prompts.

All kinds of extra optional modules which can be loaded using "zmodload", for manipulating xattrs, POSIX Capabilities, TCP sockets, an FTP client!?; also, built-in plugin functions which can be loaded with "autoload": a full calendar application, an interactive calculator, colours, regex replace, tetris!

> Zsh was once accused of not being as complete as Emacs, because it lacked a Tetris game. This function was written to refute this vicious slander.

    autoload -U tetriscurses
Ability to set the value of argv[0] received by a command, rather than just the name it was invoked by, e.g. "ARGV0=ls busybox"

Options to emulate the behaviour of other shells: pure POSIX sh, ksh, etc.?

Sorry, that was perhaps a bit more than "some of my favourites". It really does have a lot of stuff.

I feel like I must be the only HN person who doesn’t really care what shell I use.

It used to be that I’d end up on older systems with only cshell as the default. So immediately would install bash for what I had expected to be default behavior by that point.

zsh never clicked for me though, until I used oh-my-zsh, which allows for sharing custom extensions from folks. And it’s great, and superior to bash.

I used to not care, but these little improvements are worth it.

+1 on oh-my-zsh

I recommend Oh My Zsh with the zsh-autosuggestions [1] and zsh-syntax-highlighting [2] plugins.

[1] https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions

[2] https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

And my custom theme ;) https://github.com/whyboris/dotfiles/blob/main/yboris.zsh-th...

I've recently moved over to slimzsh. As the name implies, it is lightweight and fast, but provides all of the modern niceties and defaults that I want.


hmm, I just added zsh-syntax-highlighting to my plugins and sourced .zshrc and got "[oh-my-zsh] plugin 'zsh-syntax-highlighting' not found" Any ideas?

Installation instructions for the plugin:


Looks like you need to clone the .git repository into your oh-my-zsh directory


fancy, with useful plugins. my top pick:

zsh + oh-my-zsh + powerline10k on iterm2

alternative, less fancy, but nice if you want something simple yet decent:

zim on alacritty

I really wonder how much of the zsh "love" comes from two things:

1. it being the new Mac default

2. oh-my-zsh

And if the second is important, I wonder how many people have never tried anything similar for bash, such as https://github.com/ohmybash/oh-my-bash (never used it myself, but it has stars!)

It was cool before becoming the default shell on macOS. I’ve been installing it from MacPorts and putting oh-my-zsh for years before it became the default.

I use ZSH only because it's default on my work Macbook, and my workplace's IT provisioning has a bunch of stuff that assumes a default ZSH in place.

However, on my personal machine and at my previous employer, I used a reasonably tweaked oh-my-bash setup and I can't say that I notice much of a daily quality-of-life difference.

Hm, for me it was oh-my-zsh, no doubt about that, but the change of the default shell on Mac was a pleasant surprise.

If you prefer an POSIX compliance for your interactive shell then I would completely agree with you: it probably doesn't matter which shell you are using. If you don't care about POSIX compliance then there are several options that offer better productivity out-of-the-box (fish and oil are probably the most mature right now).

Props to Oil for the least Googleable project name I've ever seen, btw. Go ahead, try searching for "shell oil" and see if you ever find the open source project. lol

Do you spend most of your days reading from a shell/entering commands in a shell? That might make it more/less likely to care about the tooling you use. I spend a lot of time editing code, so naturally I care about what editor I use. Same with the shell.

I sometimes feel like zsh is one of those things along with tiling WMs that people spend so much time dinking around with the configuration of that any gain in productivity is negated

I don’t spend hours configuring it: I’ve just put my settings and plugins in a git repo and now I have an identical environment that’s fine-tuned for my uses on any computer I use (but then I don’t use any tiling WM). Clearly for me the initial investment of reading zsh’s documentation thoroughly and playing with a bunch of plugins for an afternoon or two was worth it.

Also remember that productivity is difficult to attribute to a single factor. Just having a more pleasant shell helps staying focused and motivated, even though the settings themselves do not improve efficiency directly.

People dink for fun mostly, or to make the experience more comfortable for them, rather than for productivity

can be. I never dink, I just update and use it.

Nope, there's plenty of you. As long as the shell is sufficiently compatible (which often entails being 'bash-compatible'...) and it has the rudimentary CLI features of command history and repetition I don't care either. I just use whatever is the largest common denominator - currently bash - in the knowledge that any scripts I produce are likely to work elsewhere. If it really needs to work everywhere I limit myself to POSIX shell but otherwise I use the handy bits of bash without remorse. If most of the world moves to zsh or Oil shell or Fish then so will I.

Quite the contrary. I haven't seen a single HN thread on zsh that's not full of comments questioning its reason for existence.

Depends what you need I guess. It’s great to tab complete files on a remote host whenn rsyncing to your own machine. Saves a ton of time over the years. Can you live without? Yeah sure but… why? It’s free.

I always assumed zsh was abandonware because it's still hosted on Sourceforge, so it's good to see it's still getting new releases!

Isn’t it the default shell on macos?

Sure but that doesn't mean it's under active development. Before that it was an ancient version of bash that hadn't been updated in years.

Yep, it’s been the default for a few years https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/4/18651872/apple-macos-catal...

zsh is the default shell for macOS Catalina and later.


no? I'm pretty confident I had to set it to zsh when I got a new mac a month ago

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