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Duckhunt using HTML5 and Javascript (mattsurabian.com)
124 points by aqrashik on Oct 21, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

The only thing that bothers me is the movement of the ducks, it feels too "smooth", too realistic: the original was less "curvy", much more straight-line and brutal on direction changes (certainly a simple sign change on the constant directional increment when reaching a boundary). This creates a weird reversed uncanny valley effect.

I'll see your HTML5 + JS Duckhunt, and raise you a 3D virtual reality Duckhunt:


(that's me in the lei halfway through, going on about 35 hours without sleep. Was my final project for http://graphics.cs.columbia.edu/courses/csw4172 the second semester of my senior year in college. And there are some technical inaccuracies in my partner's voiceover...mostly concerning the WiiMote). Something about that game captivates the heart.

Looks good. Makes me want to start playing around with the Kinect sensor more though, I'd imagine it'd be relatively easy to remove the need for the hat


I love the "soundtrack".

Yep, hilarious!

Love it too!

Wow, this is next to impossible on a trackpad. Great job though! I'll try with a mouse when i get a chance.

Very cool. However, correct me if I'm wrong, but the only actual "HTML5" component in here is the <audio> tag, and -*-user-select from CSS3. Everything else is pre-HTML5.

Yes, I know "HTML5" is used as a catch-all for anything and everything dynamic on the web, but overall this is a very good implementation of an HTML5-like webapp.

Good job ;)

Custom level: 1000 ducks, 5000 bullets... Fire in the hole!

Great job! Nice clean code too - waiting to see your next project on your webpage!

All I need now is my orange NES gun!

Really cool! Too much fun!

"Are you kidding me with that?". With what?

The low score / failing the level, presumably

Good work!!

very well done.

almost playable on nexus one... just have to tap a little ahead on the duck path.

You also have to do that on a MacBook Pro running Chrome. I assume it's meant to be like that, since that's what you have to do in real life. It's called 'leading your shot'.

The thing is, it wasn't like that on the NES. So it's unexpected.

Also, the screen doesn't flash and show you were the target areas are. lol

Also, the screen doesn't flash

It does here (Chrome 14).

I am playing on my Ubuntu desktop on Chrome 14, and I was clicking right on the ducks.

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