Your advice is not actionable. I know several people including myself who were simply unable to action it for longer than the two months that anyone can stick to any diet.
If you are capable of sticking to a diet that literally brings you to tears on a daily basis, then sure, but do realise that you're probably in about the top percentile of willpower. (I imagine you were not in fact brought to tears by this diet, or you wouldn't be recommending it; in which case you may not be aware that it's not a panacea.)
Are you saying you were brought to tears because you weren’t eating carbs? I have known many people who have lost weight very successfully by switching a healthy, safe, and effective low carb/keto diet.
In fact I’ve never even heard of crying being a side effect. How are you suggesting these things are even linked?
All I know is that I couldn't think of anything other than carbs, and started crying because I wanted carbs so much, and then when I ate carbs it was blissful and I stopped thinking about carbs and I stopped crying. I don't know what more evidence it would be possible to have that they were linked.
Eating a healthy diet for two months doesn't mean you can go back to eating trash and expecting to stay healthy.