> Have you thought about eating something that just has very few calories, in order to fill you up? Carrots have barely any calories and need a fair bit of chewing.
In my experience, this works kinda ok, but it doesn't actually feel like being full or sated. It feels like having a full stomach but still being hungry.
Isn't the feeling of having a full stomach what people normally mean by being full? I've never thought you could feel full bit hungry.
The other side of that is you can feel like you need to eat despite not actually feeling hungry. I've lost a bit recently, but not often with that hole in the stomach feeling. I still often get that "I should eat something" feeling while not feeling the physical "belly empty".
(Not GP) Apples make me hungry. No seriously. There's no fruit quite like apples that make my stomach sour for more food. It almost hurts. I can eat 4 apples and I'll be _stuffed_ but not _satiated_.
In my experience, this works kinda ok, but it doesn't actually feel like being full or sated. It feels like having a full stomach but still being hungry.