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OCZ's Octane SSD - 1TB in a Consumer Drive (anandtech.com)
75 points by peterb on Oct 21, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Although I realize the difference, I found an article from 4 years ago (2007) where Hitachi released a 1 TB hard drive aimed for consumers (there were others at the time as well): http://www.pcworld.com/article/128400/hitachi_introduces_1te... . Definitely an interesting read as it provides some context at the state of data relative to 2007.

So does this mean that on August 4th, 2016, I will be able to buy a 1TB SSD drive for less than $260?

Yah, but of course it's the SSD part of this that makes it interesting now.

Yes. My point was to juxtapose the release cycle of hard drives back then to SSDs now. Poor attempt, I know.

No, it wasn't a poor attempt. The grandparent failed to read your post. Thank you for the interesting link; it adds an interesting dimension to the announcement.

It wasn't the quality of the comment, but the fact that laluser said nothing about SSD, so I wasn't sure if that detail had been missed.

Your grandparent but his child. :)

Now if only they could get their drives to last longer than a year on average. :-)

I was going to bring this up. I don't follow the hardware scene at all unless I'm buying parts.

I bought a fairly cheap OCZ SSD, but they don't have quite the best reputation (anecdotal evidence). I've read stories about SSDs not lasting long in general, but OCZ seems to have a fairly poor track record among that and an even poorer customer service record. One story I caught was the change of manufacturing for one of their lines of SSDs which affected performance and presumably cut costs without notifying consumers of the change.

I wonder how the acquisition of a controller company will affect their 'power' so to speak.

i have a total of 3 SSDs bought in 2009 (2x SuperTalent Ultradrive, 1x Intel X25-M), all still running fine and used heavily each day. Knock on wood :)

It's interesting that they've bought Indilinx. OCZ has been Sandforce's most visible customer for a while. 1TB for $1,300 is a good price. The 600GB Intel SSD's that we've been purchasing at work only cost $200 less.

Getting closer to breaking that $1/GB barrier. Looking forward to seeing if reliably has improved any (buddy of mine has that random bsod issue with his OCZ SSD).

I remember when hard drives finally broke the $10/MB barrier. :)

OCZ's stock went up over 20% on Thursday: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=OCZ&t=5d&l=off&z...

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