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I feel like I'm having a deja-vu. I remember having a similar discussion in the past and it turns out it happened exactly one year ago when Flutter 2 was released: https://news.ycombinator.com/context?id=26336657

Every framework has bugs and feature requests that are fighting for resources. And the ones affecting you _always_ seem more important than the ones that don't.

That being said, the fact that memory leaks in widely used components (e.g.: `<ion-img>` [1]) go mostly unnoticed both by Ionic developers and by the community [2] just doesn't give me confidence in Ionic being a framework used to build quality apps.

  [1] - https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/issues/19242#issuecomment-556182556
  [2] - the issue linked above has 5 upvotes in 3 years and no one even bothered to report a separate issue for the memory leak in `<ion-img />`, which seems even more serious and the developers have been made aware of it

> the issue linked above has 5 upvotes in 3 years and no one even bothered to report a separate issue for the memory leak in `<ion-img />`

It looks like you answered yourself, this issue does not seem to affect people. Either it is a rare intermittent or only happen in very specific configurations, either there is a leak but it is negligeable, or shortlived. OR maybe this leak cause suboptimal performance but it must not be "feelable" although you did a great find, this issue has been overlooked and its severity should be better investigated. I'd like to remind you that Ionic is not the point, Ionic is simply a packaging of good practices and optimized components (because yes ion-img implement important optimizations over a normal img tag). Some might have leaking issues but the point is that you can trivially use a standard img tag, or a regular react/angular image lazy loading library or even better https://chromestatus.com/feature/5637156160667648 The web BTW will probably be the first ecosystem to provide support for JPEG XL images, which are a significant evolution in performance. Compare the discussed underinvestigated suboptimality with e.g. this 50% CPU increase over a trivial GIF, and mostly ignored/delayed https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/88858 or even https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/94205

> Every framework has bugs and feature requests that are fighting for resources. relativism has its limits, chromium has thousands more human resources than flutter and react native devs combined

welcome back, about the issue you mentioned, one of the original author wrote a blog in how to address it and how the issue is related to angular. https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/issues/25283 It does make a significant difference in profiling though

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