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> The web is the cross platform that runs everywhere (as in in a browser or webview)

Yes, but the web is crappy system for designing UIs in.

As a community we've got good at designing UIs with web technologies (HTML+CSS), because we have no other choice if you want to build web-apps. But the level of experience we've gained with those tools has hidden the fact that they have some real issues - mostly due to the fact that they've developed piecemeal over many years. Getting the layout of your page to behave correctly under all the circumstances it needs to requires a lot of experience with CSS, a lot of simple page behaviour we'd now expect as users require adding JS sprinkled around (and I'm not talking app logic, just UI logic).

I freely admit that I'm not great with CSS - I'm not a web developer although I have done some web development. If I do any at work (e.g. web UI for embedded device) I need a pro to come along and make things look nice. But when I did app development in Flutter it took about 2 days to be able to build screens that looked good, did complicated dynamic behaviour, and behaved reliably regardless of screen size and shape.

Interesting, I've had the opposite experience. I'd love to develop in native with something like Flutter or React Native, but I find CSS to be much easier and more flexible to use. The base components always /seem/ flexible enough until I want to do something visually complicated like add an animation that blurs an image on hover. I know CSS is horrendous in consistency, but it's piecemeal development has led to it having every UI feature I could really want/need now that I've paid the price and met its learning curve.

For what it’s worth CSS is all I knew prior to Flutter so the learning curve was a bit weird initially but once you start matching concepts you already know like Flutter also has “flexbox” for example it was pretty easy from there. Also having a strongly typed language with great docs is a huge help.

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