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I agree using React just for that is overkill. And yes, I'm talking about how it snowballs when you later get more requirements like now we need this dropdown to change accordingly, now we want to show validations as you write, now we need to check for email uniqueness before submitting, etc, etc...

But, the worst part in my experience, is that without one of these "opinionated" frameworks such as React or Vue, each new developer that joins the team (after others leave) have a total different idea of how to organize the code, or they have a hard time understanding the "custom" organization and ideology behind the structure you've had to invent to keep in maintainable.

Again, I'm not a fan at all of frontend heavy frameworks, but they do solve a real problem, specially in large apps and large teams or teams with a lot of turnover.

I'd say it is the exact situation in the backend regarding using Flask vs Django, Sinatra vs Rails, etc... having a set of imposed opinions and structure have long term benefits as soon as you're not the only one working on the codebase.

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