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I've always considered the EINTR example in that article to be a bad one (although I think I agree with the article in general). Having blocking syscalls interrupted in case of an asynchonous signal is the right thing, because it allows the program to act on the signal. Think for example of a terminal user pressing Ctrl+C to interrupt blocking I/O to return to the shell prompt.

The problem is that this does't go far enough - decades ago machines were running on a single CPU and OSes were focused on the scheduling of processes. Syscalls were all blocking, so for each individual process there could only ever be one syscall ("request") in flight at a time. Now, we're seeing a change (for example with io_uring) towards fully asynchronous I/O exposed to the userland, which allows submitting multiple requests to various I/O devices simultaneously, which has the potential to improve throughput a lot.

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