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> React Native is ready for production now for all platforms, including Windows & Xbox via react-native-windows, Web via react-native-web, MacOS via react-native-macos or Catalyst.

All platforms ... except Linux. React-native-gtk is abandoned as far as I know.

You can wrap the React Native Web target in Tauri or Electron for Linux.

There's also https://github.com/valence-native/valence-native that can use either wxWidgets or Qt.

All in all it's better than the current Flutter web / desktop implementation.

Politely, I would point out that the makers of Ubuntu have said that as far as they are concerned Flutter is the future of desktop app development on Linux and all their projects moving forward will be using it by default because they believe in it so much.

They just started in Ubuntu 22.04 by rewriting their installer (I.e the very first thing users see when coming into contact with Ubuntu) to be a Flutter app.

It has proper first class support rather than the hacky and unofficial (and possibly poorly maintained) workarounds you suggested to do cross platform development.

> There's also https://github.com/valence-native/valence-native that uses Qt.

There's been more than a year without a commit in this project, I'm not going to say it's abandoned yet but that's not that far off I guess, good luck with the issues you'll encounter.

> You can wrap the React Native Web target in Tauri or Electron for Linux.

That's one of the only realistic solution for now in my opinion.

> There's been more than a year without a commit in this project, I'm not going to say it's abandoned yet but that's not that far off I guess, good luck with the issues you'll encounter.

Or it's stable? Look at the codebase, it's a pretty dead simple bridge. Make your app open source and all those Linux devs you're supporting can help you out!

> That's one of the only realistic solution for now in my opinion.

Yup, and you get it for free with if you build your app with RN and React Native Web.

> Or it's stable? Look at the codebase, it's a pretty dead simple bridge. Make your app open source and all those Linux devs you're supporting can help you out!

Even the simplest bridge needs upgrades, unless you want to be stuck with react 16.

> Yup, and you get it for free with if you build your app with RN and React Native Web.

That's better than nothing I'd say yeah. That's kind of the issue with react native, you need platform-specific rendering code and since companies don't really care that much about linux desktop it's not really there.

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