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We just built a desktop app with QML in a CMake-based Qt project, and I've been pleasantly surprised by the experience.

Our brief experimentation with Qt Widgets, on the other hand, revealed a shocking level of dysfunction in basic UI-layout implementation, in what is supposed to be a very mature UI toolkit. But it seems that they're basically abandoning Widgets at this point, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

So interesting, even after years of doing QML, layouting with widgets makes for me much simpler to get what I want

QtQuick Controls 2's QML widgets, along with whatever KDE's MauiKit QML widgets are called now, might suit your needs.

I don't know, the new QQC tree view does not look as powerful as QTreeView which is a real workhorse

> Our brief experimentation with Qt Widgets, on the other hand, revealed a shocking level of dysfunction in basic UI-layout implementation, in what is supposed to be a very mature UI toolkit.

That matches my experience. Getting Qt Widgets to resize in an even remotely sane way proved to be just about impossible.

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