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Sure, I'm not trashing the language, because I know nothing about it.

Our whole dev team is C/C++, with random people who know Python and a few other things. I'm the only one who knows Swift. They're bright people and not hostile toward new ideas, but they're already overtaxed and can't cater to an outlier project written in a language no one knows and built on a framework no one knows.

Speaking from personal experience I found the process of using dart to be VERY painless. I'm mostly a web developer, but have taken some Java courses in college and have dabbled in a bit of C# outside of my normal PHP/JS work.

We decided to take on an app project at work. We had made one using nativescript-vue, but the experience left much to be desired and I wanted to look for alternatives.

A friend had talked favorably about Flutter so I decided to install and check it out. Within a few hours, I had a pretty good looking MVP of the app we were building (it was very basic to begin with). The experience developing a Flutter app was really good.

It felt like I already knew the language from the get go. It worked pretty much as expected. I only had to google things like async/await because dart writes their functions like `(arg) async => expr` while javascript puts the async before the function `async arg => expr`.

YMMV if you're not using the languages which Dart draws inspiration from I guess. But I'dd be surprised if you feel you would need to spend significant amount of time learning Dart.


I really dislike C and C++, but I think your comment is needlessly hostile and insulting to C and C++ developers, and it doesn't add anything of value to this discussion. Please consider rewriting or deleting it.

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