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sounds very unsubstantiated. please examplify, Ionic capacitor native support is excellent, in fact you can arbitrarilly call the android/IOS SDKs, with or without nativescript. You do understand there is no native difference between Ionic and flutter right?

Not sure what kind of substantiation you're looking for, but I've been working with Ionic and Capacitor for over 6 months now, as part of an ongoing client project. Previously, I worked with Cordova way back in 2015/2016. So I'm familiar with the technology. My comment addressed the fact that I'm not criticizing the tech, I'm criticizing the overall concept - rendering an application inside of a web view as if it's a native app.

I fail to see the issue here > rendering an application inside of a web view as if it's a native app.

That doesn't mean anything. A native app doesn't mean anything. Native is a ad-hoc property of being the UX framework shipped by default on the OS On chromium OS, chrome is native. Who cares? What matters are the merits of framework x vs framework y. As for the graphical charts 1) material design is as well supported on the web 2) most apps should not be in material design if they want to have a personality.

You said the word awful, don't you have concrete pain points?

Just a hint: if you work for Ionic it's customary on HN to disclose that fact.

Also: what makes a framework "native" for me is that it has it's own rendering stack. With webview solutions you are still facing cross platform inconsistencies between Safari/iOS, Android and Electron.

I am not an Ionic employee, I have zero affiliation. I am a hobbyist in GUI rendering libraries technologies, which include Skia, blend2d, pathfinder, webrender, piet-gpu, etc

> what makes a framework "native" for me is that it has it's own rendering stack

lel, the point of react native is exactly that it doesn't have its own rendering stack, it defer rendering to external rendering stacks (android native lib, swift native lib) Flutter and the web are not native and are not different. They both have their own custom rendering stack, which allow them to improve it. flutter has not created its own 2d renderer btw, it uses the chromium 2D renderer named skia, in fact android native use the chromium 2D renderer since a few versions already. Simply because its the fastest to exist.

> With webview solutions you are still facing cross platform inconsistencies

crazy how reversed with reality your argument is. React native is by design inconsistent, it uses a separate library for each platform which result in an impedence mismatch of features, performance, and bugs. A webview has no inconsistencies between android and electron, it's the same chromium behind. Safari is slighly inconsistent (webkit) but order of magnitudes less than using a completely different library.

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