Nah, watch the video, he's Hispanic. (Of course racial classifications have no real meaning, but ime Hispanic people are generally - bar some Spaniards - 'typed' as non-white, comparable to Asians or Native Americans. And certainly a minority in US terms.)
ETA: He's also deaf, fwiw, with regard to the minority point.
ETA2: Hmm, I may be wrong about the exact details. It looks like he's a research scientist at Google, and, judging by the name, possibly Russian. But the same non-Caucasian non-''white'' point applies. (The Spanish voiceover and subtitles confused me - it's not his voice at the start, whereas his own 'deaf voice' makes any accent hard to identify.)
Hmm, I think we're coming up against the weirdness of racial categories here. I'd say Ukrainians - to much the same extent as Hispanics - aren't quite considered white in American terms (which has virtually zero to do with one's skin color). Or not Caucasian, at least. (Yes, despite the fact that they come literally from the Caucasus, while Americans don't.) But it's impossible to come to an exact agreement on these things.
That interesting diversion notwithstanding, I think his being deaf is probably what accounts for his inclusion, which is consistent with the spirit of what that person was saying.
ETA: He's also deaf, fwiw, with regard to the minority point.
ETA2: Hmm, I may be wrong about the exact details. It looks like he's a research scientist at Google, and, judging by the name, possibly Russian. But the same non-Caucasian non-''white'' point applies. (The Spanish voiceover and subtitles confused me - it's not his voice at the start, whereas his own 'deaf voice' makes any accent hard to identify.)