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"How you make the database connection work with serverless connection requirements seems like a minor issue."

It's really not. See... databases like PostgreSQL aren't designed for an infinite number of simultaneous connections (doing things like, checking for a logged in user, and auth). This is where something like pgbouncer comes in – that at least takes care of transaction boundaries – because we're a monolith, remember?

Now you're also setting up the state of your application as global variables. Seems like a pretty poor choice, and now you also need to figure out the gotchas with HMR here.

Let's not even get into the fact that a lot of code isn't meant to be (or cannot be) bundled by webpack. So now you're resorting to a custom Webpack config to exclude certain modules. [0]

On AWS, pgbouncer is called "RDS Proxy" and runs you $11.16/mo. [1]

That's not even getting into the cognitive overhead of just "rolling out an app over a weekend" now being a weekend adventure in and of itself – again managing an alphabet soup of services either all within AWS or between AWS and Vercel.

[0] https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/custom-...

[1] https://aws.amazon.com/rds/proxy/pricing/?nc=sn&loc=3

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