I'm having trouble thinking of a single example of a language, library, or piece of technology that is not either an acronym, a name of something that exists, or a combination of such names. Be it an object (Flask), a concept (Scheme), a letter (C), a person (Sinatra), or an animal (Python).
Maybe we need explicit namespacing in English? I'll start saying stuff like "programming languages colon colon ruby" so people can be absolutely sure what I'm talking about.
Named after Danish mathematician Agner Krarup Erlang[0] who invented queuing theory & telephone network analysis, but they told management that it stood for "Ericsson language" (at least that's what I remember from a Joe Armstrong presentation, but I can't find it right now.)
I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but I was today days old when I realized that “clang” and “erlang” were really C-lang and Er-lang, much like Go-lang.
Ruby, Python, Java, Rails, React, Go, Rust, Elm, Dart, C, C#, Node, Next, Nest, Kafka, LaTeX, bash, fish, cat, Android, Apple, Windows…
I'd be happy to search for this with "bubble tea framework" or "bubble tea tui" or similar and it doesn't bother me.