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> I have this issue too -- you can make an infinite number of onion-ey layers of abstraction over your data. But at the end of the day, there's only one canonical representation of it -- in your data layer.

Right, and the amount of effort spent by devs working within layers of abstraction can outweigh the effort they'd otherwise spend working with pure data, even if other issues arise; said issues would be faster to solve without lots of code in the way.

People forget that an abstraction doesn't make things easier to understand, but this is how many new devs are taught and think about abstraction. Abstractions are only simpler so long as you don't ever need to worry about what that abstraction is doing. As soon as an abstraction is misbehaving mysteriously, inevitably you have to open the hood and see what's up with the engine.

It doesn't even matter if the abstraction was made by really smart people with distinguished titles. At every Rails job I had, there was at least one problem with an abstraction in either ActiveRecord or other things like Rails Engines that were totally inexplicable by anything – they only were solved by hours upon hours of mid-level devs digging through framework code until they came up with a monkeypatch.

Part of this also comes from what I believe is a very misguided desire to leave the door open to switch databases. During my first two Rails jobs, senior developers resisted to use any raw SQL queries anywhere because "what if we switch to Postgres?" Never did that pan out, and in the meantime devs were forced to do weird things with ActiveRecord to make things work, often inefficiently.

I remember when I was momentarily the most senior dev at one of these jobs, once the lead had left, and I decided to just use SQL where it made sense. Not only did this cut down on lines of code and method calls, but those queries ended up being significantly faster, reducing page load time.

Sure, I didn't go through the trouble to force that raw data into an ActiveRecord model, but so what? All we wanted to do was display the data to the user. Why introduce a bunch of ORM gobbledygook for read-only? Because we might want users to edit articles in some hypothetical future where we just let any rando write stories? lol

That codebase was never great, but after some of those kinds of adjustments we somehow didn't get much if any emergency calls after hours anymore. Hmmm...

Abstractions can be great, but I've come to think they rarely have value with persistent data. In a game engine, it can make sense to have model-like objects for things that are ephemeral in gameplay but need to know about one-another, and this is usually easier to implement in a custom way because games usually aren't written like web apps.

> Want data that doesn't exist in a table? Make a view or call a function.


> I remember when I was momentarily the most senior dev at one of these jobs, once the lead had left, and I decided to just use SQL where it made sense. Not only did this cut down on lines of code and method calls, but those queries ended up being significantly faster, reducing page load time.

That's so familiar. I've also been trough this more times than I'd like to admit. Often five or six files of ActiveRecord code that could be reduced to a View.

However I don't think it's just desire to change databases, there's also a lot of resistance against using different languages. SQL is bad, it's ugly, it's old. I see the same sentiment against Bash in younger developers too. They don't want to take the time to learn, so they just reject it.

I mean... Bash is actually bad and ugly.

And ... I'm old and that's how I learned that :-)

Bash is bad and ugly… But I just avoided a day’s worth of development of a little command line utility by adding two alias lines that go into .profile.

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