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I have found that all the SPA apps I have inherited (current one particularly) have way too much logic in the frontend. People complain about Django's template language being limited, but that encourages you to keep that stuff for display only.

"Way too much logic in the frontend" is entirely objective, and honestly doesn't hold much water, unless you're talking security where the logic is not mirrored in the backend. Any time performance and responsiveness matter, across the engineering board, client-side logic wins. The times that integrity matters, you still apply the logic client side and also on the server side. See the amazing Source Multiplayer Networking article for more info on where I'm coming from with respect to ultra high performance but validated architecture.


Nah, all he SPA apps I have worked on have had terrible performance. Way to many calls between backend and frontend. Way too much complexity. I am sure you could write them better, but server side rendering is nowhere near the bottleneck that SPA people seem to claim that it is.

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