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> Also, Monolith is sometimes synonymous with tangled spaghetti code but it doesn't have to be

Yeah, I hate this false equivalence. When did we start assuming that monoliths couldn't be modular and have clear package boundaries?

IMO how you deploy your software (one binary vs many services, all on one box vs distributed) should be an incidental detail that is automated away.

You have two packages that are very chatty? Your infra figures this out and deploys them in the same binary. Two packages that rarely talk? Deploy them as separate binaries and maybe even on separate hosts.

>IMO how you deploy your software (one binary vs many services, all on one box vs distributed) should be an incidental detail that is automated away.

>You have two packages that are very chatty? Your infra figures this out and deploys them in the same binary

Are there any libs for doing that? Seems to me that that should be pretty complex.

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