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I don't think so, words have meanings, Buddhism refers to a group of sets of ideas and doctrines.

Buddhism encourages disconnection, in fact the Buddha said that withdrawing is good and that sense pleasures are dangerous.

What you said is wrong because it implies that suffering is NOT something we should seek to be free from.

I take it you're a beginner to the practise?

> Buddhism encourages disconnection, in fact the Buddha said that withdrawing is good and that sense pleasures are dangerous

I don’t think that’s what the Buddha teaches — rather, that we should be intentional in our attachment. (Sense pleasures are unrelated to what we’re talking about — but I agree it says eg, intoxication is bad.)

> What you said is wrong because it implies that suffering is NOT something we should seek to be free from.

Yes — simple disconnection is vapid, it’s only once we choose to live out our actual role in accordance with our True Self or Intentional Self that we’re actually free.

The desire to “escape” through enlightenment, which ends in disconnection, is a false awakening — though one many experience.

> I take it you're a beginner to the practise?

Your need to insult me or denigrate my experience and beliefs because they don’t agree with yours points to a strongly egotistical mindset.

Are you a beginner?

Are you actually a beginner though? There are a lot of misunderstandings here. The Buddha never said that attachment is good. Also what is “True Self” or “Intentional Self”? Those are not Buddhist teachings. Buddhism isn’t about acting intentionally based on attachments, it’s about being totally liberated from them. Where exactly did you learn his interpretation of Buddhism?

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