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> I strongly suspect that some of the new development patterns (I won't name them, because holy wars) were developed specifically to break up projects that are really best done by one or two skilled engineers, into ones done by a fairly large team of relatively unskilled engineers.

I've always thought of microservices (or services) as a way to make your organization rather than your code scale. Past a certain size, you won't have an uniform group of developers. According to Conway's law, this will impact your codebase. Better embrace it in your organization.


I write fairly humble apps, though. If things got a lot bigger, I'd hire someone to do bigger work.

In any case, it's really easy to toss out a codebase that took one guy, two days to write (I do exactly that, all the time). The advantage that I have, is that I write really good code, in those two days (feel free to check out my work).

The big app that I'm writing, is a native Swift app. The server is written in PHP. This is not because there's an inherent value in that, but it is because that is what I do, and we can't get anyone else to do the work for free.

You use the tools at hand.

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