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From .NET Core 2.1 + Angular 5/6 to .NET Core 6.0 Web API + Angular 12/13 on the front-end = Total Win.

No need for changing what works. Svelte? React? Web Components? Naaaah, I am good.

I am very happy with ASP.NET. But I either use MVC + HTMX or Blazor for the rare cases I also have to do the frontend (which is mostly work done for myself).

If other people are doing the Frontend, I don't care what they use. I just show them the data contracts and wish them good luck.

Some people just forgot why the MVC and these tools are invented at first place.

They complains the framework you use isn't shiny enough. While in practice, things they write using these shiny frameworks performs outright painfully.

It's really a weird trend that everyone just run for the newest thing and forgot why these are invented for at first place.

They jump on the new thing - thinking it will solve their issues.

But the reality, the issue is them not 'understanding/knowing/being able to build semi-good software.

Think about it - you have the Fed literally printing money, then many VCs giving MILLIONS to half-assed, barely functioning prototypes.

The idea is not there, the craftsmanship is not there - it's just a bunch of kids on Adderall slapping some nice-looking UI and getting paid.

Guess what the thing they like to talk about is - the technology behind it because sure as hell it doesn't solve any business need.

It is hilarious.

Talking about the Emperor's clothes...

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