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Good to see support of sensible regulations, but I feel the author may have got caught up in some pro-UK propaganda:


Tl;dr like many sensible regulations this was an EU initiative.


Not because the EU is nice or anything like that, it's just the right level to mandate safety standards so that standard designs can be made cheaply at scale and not be undermined by a race to the bottom.

You've linked to Channel 4's fact check page but not any specific article and I don't see one about the direct vision standard anywhere on the site.

Secondly, the standard was not an EU initiative, it was London's, though the EU and other places are also coming up with standards. From [1]:

> Significantly, the EU is set to follow London’s DVS for trucks

From [2]:

> The Direct Vision Standard was developed by the Mayor of London (Sadiq Khan) as part of his Vision Zero initiative

Sadiq Khan is very pro-EU and I find it hard to believe he'd miss an opportunity to give credit to the EU and give a snide aside towards Brexit and its supporters, but it seems he's not bothered this time.

From [3]:

> "Our world-first Direct Vision Standard has saved lives

> TfL is also working with the EU and other cities to mandate direct vision in vehicle design and safety regulations.

And from the notes on that page:

> TfL's Direct Vision Standard was developed in conjunction with Loughborough University's School of Design and Creative Arts and through extensive engagement with lorry manufacturers

> The See Me Save Me campaign was founded in 2009 by Kate Cairns following the death of her sister, Eilidh, at Notting Hill Gate, London. See Me Save Me challenges industry, policymakers and the justice system to push for faster adoption of measures to reduce HGV danger

> Kate led the call for direct vision lorries at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in 2010, with the See Me Save Me (seemesaveme.org) campaign lobbying alongside MEP Fiona Hall for mandatory cameras and sensors

> Further lobbying followed in Brussels in 2011 for amendment to Directive 96/53 to improve direct visibility of HGV cabs (seemesaveme.org/policy). The DVS incorporates both of these mitigation measures

So it turns out that the real credit should go to a campaigner who has managed, with the help of a charity called Roadpeace, to turn personal tragedy into something positive, and those with the power to make changes in developing and implementing these standards together and in parallel, and not in opposition to each other.

Finally, I think using words like "propaganda" for situations like this is wholly misplaced and unhelpful.

[1] https://www.volvotrucks.com/en-en/news-stories/insights/arti...

[2] https://vuegroup.org/direct-vision-standard-six-vital-things...

[3] https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media/press-releases/2021/june/t...

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