This isn't quite right. This does find the solution when the problem is well-formed, but it doesn't prove that the solution is valid:
if round == 15:
for product in products:
if len(products[product]) == 1:
print('Peter: I do know the numbers')
This should not return - it should continue iterating. If the problem (and the code) is correct, then it should only find one answer - but unless you exhaustively search and find exactly one answer you don't know that it's correct.
Incidentally, I was also a bit surprised by
candidate_pairs = set()
for i in range(1, N):
for j in range(1, N):
if (i, j) not in candidate_pairs and (j, i) not in candidate_pairs:
candidate_pairs.add((i, j))
That first (i, j) check can never return false and should be omitted, right?
The ‘normal’ way to write something like that (I hope I got the range ends right) is
for i in range(1, N):
for j in range(1, j + 1):
candidate_pairs.add((i, j))
Also, conceptually, you don’t have tuples, but multisets. If you were to use those, you wouldn’t need that if at all.
Multiset isn’t built-in to python, so you’d need to use an external package. Alternatively, write a class for storing pairs of ints i, j that enforces i ≤ j.
That’s not a multiset, it’s a set containing tuples. A multiset ( allows you to add identical items multiple times.
You would use that to, for example, store the knowledge that 6 can be written as 3+3, by using a multiset {3,3} instead of a tuple (3,3)
That's a good point! The `15` check relies on 1) knowing it will stop after 15 rounds as written in the problem (though I explore that later) and 2) assuming that there must be a single answer after 15 rounds (which I also explore later).
And that's true, the `(i, j)` check is spurious - I blame it on it being throwaway blog post code :)
Regarding the second snippet, yeah, that (i,j) test will always be true. And if the inner loop is changed from `range(1, N)` to `range(i, N`) then it will be totally unnecessary anyways to have the conditional. With that change every pair would be generated exactly once.
Incidentally, I was also a bit surprised by
That first (i, j) check can never return false and should be omitted, right?