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>Let's push back against this, please.

I would love this, but the only reason the bullshit is allowed to happen is because people are ready and willing to put up with it. There are simply too many desperate people, many of them third-worlders [1], who will do anything for a meal ticket.

The world would be better if people developed a "fuck you, pay me" attitude, but so many people are inured to their caste.

[1] "Then, don't. I want to move from my 2000 USD a month (this is a good salary alre... | Hacker News." 8 May. 2022, news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24446562.

> many of them third-worlders [1], who will do anything for a meal ticket.

If your people from 'third world' are your main competition then you fucked up your life by not making something out of your 'first world' privilege and educational opportunities.

> The world would be better if people developed a "fuck you, pay me" attitude, but so many people are inured to their caste.


Even disregarding those weird "third world" and "caste" tangents, there are tons of Westerners too who would literally do anything for a software job at a tech company, especially at a prestigious and well-paying FAANG. And, by anything, I mean suffer through any brutal study regimen, inhumane corporate process and any humiliation. Undergrad and advanced degrees, months of leetcode practice, take-home tests and coding challenges, hundreds of phone screens, a dozen rounds of interviews for a single company, staying half-ghosted on a waitlist for months, sending ping after groveling ping to recruiters for updates. There's nothing that's beneath them, and this willingness to endure pain simply raises the level of pain everyone else has to endure.

Is that not a testament to how awful the current situation is with respect to the living conditions of the average person and the average salary?

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