There's a finance angle behind cloud stuff too that's irrestible for the bean counters: cloud stuff is operations expense, on-prem is a capital expense. Unfortunately these folks are heavily incentivized to favor OpEx
I'm not a bean counter, all I know is those guys at my last job would rattle off about it like zombies. IIRC its a tax thing
Opex is fully deductible each year the expense occurs, wheras capex requires amortized depreciation over the life of the purchased item. Makes it harder to calculate taxes.
It's not a tax thing, long-term leases or colocation is a liability for acquisitions. (You could also build a revenue-positive company, but that's the loser way out, apparently.)
I'm not a bean counter, all I know is those guys at my last job would rattle off about it like zombies. IIRC its a tax thing