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In Texas and can confirm as I've been to one. My mom was a participant of cow patty bingo in the late-80's/early-90's. It was part of some radio station contest for a car. Everybody that called in and won a minor prize over a quarter was invited to a party with the bingo as the big event.

They had a large pen, say a quarter acre (about the size of 2 basketball courts) divided up into squares. The participants drew a number, went into the pen to find their spot. After all the participants found their spot they let the cow out to roam around. (You need a fairly docile cow to have people on the field when this happens)

In our game the cow started and did most of it's business on my mom's square, but finished on an adjoining square of young single blonde. I'll let you guess how DJ ruled who won the car. (hint: wasn't my mom)

> Are people watching the cow with bated breath?

Kinda? I mean if the prize is good it's fun to watch.

> Are plots closer to the gate considered better?

Might be worse actually. Usually they run the cows into the pen instead of letting them just mosey in. When and where the cow does its business isn't even known to the cow. The cows can take a while to go too, better part of an hour sometimes.

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