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> not being able to use the machine for 10+ hours without charger is a dealbreaker in 2022

say the only laptop that is viable in your opinion is the M1 mac without saying the only laptop that is viable in your opinion is the M1 mac.

seriously though, by those standards, there aren't many laptops that aren't 'dealbreakers'.

7-9 hours of use is actually pretty goog, judging by the broader market.

3-4 hours of intensive use is...arguably on the low end of battery life.

My pinebook pro beats those numbers, and it was $200.

4 hours intensive use would be a more of a deal breaker for me than the combined flaws of the pinebook pro, so I'd pay up to $200 for a laptop that only got 4 hours.

my TI 86 lasts for days on a single set of AA batteries, but you don't find me comparing it to my dell workstation, now do I?

pretty good*

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