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> It's wrong to deride a person based on skin color not because it hurts their feelings, but because our preconceived notions on their inferiority hold no objective basis in reality except those derived from our flawed social perceptions.

No... if that were true then it would be OK to deride someone who was born with a deformed limb, because in that case the "inferiority" would really have an "objective basis in reality". They would be objectively inferior at certain tasks then someone without it. Does that make it ok to insult them?

Suggesting racism (or prejudice) is wrong simply because it's not objectively inferior is missing the point.

The actual answer, which I think you would have come to eventually, is that deride someone for an attribute they had no control over, is the essence of prejudice.

People do not chose to be born in a poor country, in an abusive family, black, French, short or handicap, these are simply the hands they were dealt.

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