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The part that really stuck out to me was from one of the people he had duped, saying that if Clark had told her the sky was green she would have believed him. There are definitely people in the world who seem able to cast an almost hypnotic spell over people like that, but seemingly only in person. This seems to be the case with both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Examples about in business too, including (especially?) tech. Having worked at Facebook, I felt that Mark Zuckerberg also has this quality.

I don't think it's magic. I don't think it's pheromones. If I had to guess I'd say that it's something about learning - consciously or otherwise - to fool the heuristics that most of us use to distinguish lies from truth. Things like voice, facial expression, body language. Whatever it is, it seems quite real. Nick Clark was somehow able to fool a great many people, some of them quite savvy, and there are many examples like his.

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