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Upon searching for a few words here, this list appears to have been copy-pasted between a bunch of antisemitic sites. It looks like ‘Hadarine’ isn’t even a real book — the only results are for very similar lists on the aforementioned antisemitic sites. There are also problems in translation: e.g. ‘filth’ is a highly misleading translation of niddah. Besides, this cherry-picked list leaves out any relevant context, which is supremely important in understanding or translating the Talmud. I wouldn’t give this post any credence as to what Judaism is actually about.


> So several sages together came to these cherry picked conclusions.

To clarify my post: I meant that out of the thousands of thousands of opinions recorded in the Talmud, that list selectively quoted five or six phrases which make it sound especially bad when taken out of context, while ignoring absolutely everything else. That’s what I meant by ‘cherry picked’.

(Your other responses, especially the last few lines, are fairly common misunderstandings of Judaism and Jewish history, and I have neither the time nor the inclination to try and debate them online just right now.)

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