For me, Netflix's UI works pretty well while the Disney+ UI is an exercise in frustration. With Disney+, watching the credits required clicking on just the right bit and there's no obvious way to go from the episode itself to the episode list.
Disney+ UI is bad but for me Amazon prime is the worst: the super invasive and spoilery Amazon X-Ray display that keeps popping up will make me just stop the TV. But Netflix is also there with the worst, having for example on Better Call Saul season six a complete spoiler content advisory warning top-left, prominent full time on screen always: "this is how this character's arc from episode 1,2,3 will end, you can stop watching now. Completely destroyed the work of the actors an writers for me, and I don't want to watch the remaining 9 episodes thank you...
Disney+ is seriously confused about credits - at times it instantly minimizes and threatens you with the next episode/movie (often when there is still “stuff” happening) and other times it makes you sit through literally ten minutes of credits in every language known to man and some unknown before advancing to the next.