You wait for the market to cycle again - crash, boom, then crash, etc. Parent poster might have been in their 20s/30s though and implying that waiting for the next cycle would waste prime years of their life.
I'm not sure that life is wasted, but I'd suggest financial opportunity is wasted.
You just can't reach the level of financial security that the previous generation could if that previous generation had a drastically lower cost of living relative to income for the first X years of their adult life. Especially as X approaches the length of your entire career.
That’ll happen at far too late of an age for it to matter though. Parents aren’t dying at 60 when they had kids at 30. They’re dying at 80 and the kids will be 50+ when they finally get anything. By then - it’s far too late.
Anyone can move to my town and get an $18/hour starting wage job and buy a $150,000 house. Hard to imagine that this is unique. Look outside the cities...