Of course a bootcamp does not guarantee anything and I’m sure the bulk running are probably trash. But I’ve met a few good engineers that originally were in other industry (HR, law, teaching, fishing) and they actually learnt the bulk of their software knowledge via bootcamps, so it can work. A good mentor is probably worth more in the long run but they are rare and not available to buy.
While some parts of the tech industry are miserable, on average they are definitely overpaid as compared to nurses or even doctors in some countries. And there are plenty of non miserable places in tech, especially if you relocate. Some Europe software shops seem out of this world when compared to US gaming companies, some of which sound like sweat shops.
While some parts of the tech industry are miserable, on average they are definitely overpaid as compared to nurses or even doctors in some countries. And there are plenty of non miserable places in tech, especially if you relocate. Some Europe software shops seem out of this world when compared to US gaming companies, some of which sound like sweat shops.