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> 86% of guests who stay at a hotel for 1-2 nights use it, handily outranking other popular offerings like the in-room TV (84%)...

This is extremely nit-picky, but I wouldn't use the word "handily" here. "Slightly" is a better word for a 2% difference. The next most popular option was at 81%.

Another nit-pick is the part where they say hotels throw away "~440B pounds of solid waste — much of it soap and bottled amenities". How much of it?

Well, if hotels go through ~3.3m bars of soap every day, and hotel soaps seem to be about .5 oz each, that's 0.03125 pounds * 3.3M * 365 = ~38M pounds a year. That's considerably less than 1% of the total waste thrown away by hotels. I would describe that as "not much of the waste thrown away by hotels".

That doesn't mean it's not a worthy cause to reduce 38 million pounds of waste a year, or to provide hygiene products to people who need them. But, they might as well not exaggerate or overstate the effect as much as they appear to be doing in this article.

> This is extremely nit-picky, but I wouldn't use the word "handily" here.

I think it was a pun.

Could say "beat the stat by a hair's margin"

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