I'm confident in my guess - both you & Yanis will be proven wrong in time. So far nobody in history has taken the complex heaving mass of the global economy and boiled it down to a simple forecast about what it will do when confronted with a new technology. We cannot foresee what is about to hit us. Roughly every possible outcome has been forecast by someone.
An untracable, unstoppable & untaxable cryptocurrency might be developed if we get lucky with the research into Zero-Knowledge proofs or a related field. That would be revolutionary in a profound sense.
>An untracable, unstoppable & untaxable cryptocurrency might be developed
No, this will never happen and it makes no sense to actually want this, not only is it physically impossible but it's a total misunderstanding of threat modeling. The main thing these comments always miss is that these transactions only exist to serve a purpose in the real world. You can come up with all the cryptographic solutions that you want to hide communications but it means very little when someone can walk into your basement and suddenly see the hundreds of mysterious suitcases that weren't there the day before.
The only way any of these things could realistically approach being "untraceable" is if not a single person using it ever cashed out and they only spent the money on NFTs and other non-tangible items, and additionally nobody ever conducted physical barter with the NFTs. So basically if it becomes a very restricted and useless and inefficient version of a video game economy, except without the video game.
Even if this untraceability / unstoppability was possible, it might not be as revolutionary as you'd think.
It's sort of the same problem as email with pgp. You not only have to secure your email, you also have to secure your counterparty and anyone he forwards your email to. Money is like that as well.
So even if monero wins, or bitcoin becomes like monero, there'd still be tax.
There was tax under gold. Bitcoin isn't about ending tax.
An untracable, unstoppable & untaxable cryptocurrency might be developed if we get lucky with the research into Zero-Knowledge proofs or a related field. That would be revolutionary in a profound sense.