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> Also to imply that the Linux app stores are at all better than the Windows one is a bit disingenuous. About 50% of the time that I have attempted to use them, I ended up with a broken and completely unusable installation of the program.

The Windows store doesn't contain most of the software you want because they limited what license you could use, what technology you could use to build with, and want a huge cut leading to developers opting out.

Meanwhile major distros repos contain almost all the software you are liable to want with the rest easily added by configuring additional sources so you can use the same highly functional interface to manage all your software gui or cli. The experience you describe where half of installations resulted in broken software is highly suspect. Such tech has worked extremely well for decades. Problems outside of self inflicted wounds like manually screwing with the same set of files managed by your package managers or trying to install packages not built for your distro are rare. Your problems are virtually certainly the result of highly interesting choices which is like saying cars don't work because the last time you drove backwards on the interstate you kept crashing.

Logs are in /var/log like /var/log/apt not in a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavoratory with a sign "beware the leopard" not sure why you would NEED a terminal for this task although its certainly handy. Instead you could read all the messages in your gui client and stop doing whatever its is you are trying to break your system.

Lastly init.d? Did you time travel from 2003? If so watch out for that Putin fellow he's a bad egg.

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