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I feel slightly the same. But I still see some value in some actors but not really for smart solutions. I don’t need a central tablet to control the lighting in the house or play a music in every room at the same time etc. These are nice applications but the burden to pay and set it up and then actually using it would be to much. I got me some Shelly Relays to retrofit some light and Rollo sockets. The only “automation” I programmed is to open all Rollos in the morning at 8am. I really hated it to go from room to room and press the button next to the window. Classical first world problem. I also programmed my Harmony Remote to control the blinds/Rollos and the lights. Nothing smart just a button that does the same action the button in the wall can do. Ok the blinds can now be controlled in percentages which is nice. But and here comes the but. The setup is so custom and involves 3 software pieces that I lost a lot of interest while setting this simple system up. The harmony bridge to a custom piece of software found on GitHub which talks to openHAB hangs constantly ( something with harmony hub losing Wi-Fi access every few days). The setup and management of the Shelly plugs is also not ideal. One can flash them with a custom firmware but I wanted to start with the stock firmware first to feel the water. All in all I kind of like the topic of home automation but I’m just to lazy to play zookeeper for a bunch of devices. And the mentioned providers with their vendor lock and cloud only solution will not get into my house.

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